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Dubai Sports Council Is First ‘100 Per Cent Paperless’ Sports Body

Image for Dubai Sports Council Is First ‘100 Per Cent Paperless’ Sports Body

Dubai Sports Council has officially received the "100 per cent Paperless Stamp" from Smart Dubai, becoming the first sports institution of its kind to become totally paperless, converting all its services and transactions into paperless transactions through digital solutions and smart applications.

The "100 per cent Paperless Stamp" was delivered to the Council by delegation of Smart Dubai, which visited Dubai Sports Council on Monday and was received by His Excellency Saeed Hareb, Secretary General of Dubai Sports Council, Nasser Aman Al Rahma, Assistant Secretary General of Dubai Sports Council, and Saleh Al Marzooqi, Director of the Council’s Corporate Support Department.

The visiting delegation included Younus Al Nasser, Assistant Director-General of Smart Dubai and CEO of Dubai Data Establishment, Wesam Lootah, CEO of Smart Dubai; and Moza Suwaidan, Director of Strategy and Innovation at Smart Dubai.

Accepting the stamp, HE Saeed Hareb said that success in the future depends on keeping pace with technological developments and finding innovative solutions to meet government’s strategic plans in the field of digital solutions, sustainable economy and environmentally friendly work systems, and the Council will continue its efforts to keep pace with the future plans of Government of Dubai government.

"What the Council has achieved is only the beginning and work will continue at all levels to keep the Council ahead in all spheres, whether in organizing events, developing organizational work, continuous improvement in the quality of services, or keeping pace with developments at all levels," he said.

One of only four entities to receive the "100 per cent Paperless Stamp", Dubai Sports Council joined the "Dubai Paperless Strategy" initiative in February, 2020, an initiative that seeks "to make Dubai a completely paperless city, ensuring all government transactions are 100 per cent digitized, saving 1,000,000 trees."

The Council participated in 98 workshops organized by Smart Dubai and, keen to meet the targets as early as possible, it was able to eliminate all use of paper by the end of November last year. Previously, the Council used, on an average, 408,623 sheets of paper annually.

Smart Dubai Foundation announced that Dubai Sports Council had obtained the "100 per cent Paperless" seal during a virtual event that it organized last week, in the presence of general directors of government agencies participating in the implementation of the "Paperless City" initiative.

Revealing details about the initiative’s progress, Smart Dubai said the total decrease in paper consumption for all entities implementing the Dubai Paperless Strategy was 82.82 percent, which saved 269.8 million sheets of paper. Overall, the Strategy helped save AED1.13 billion, over 12.1 million hours of labour, and 32,388 trees that would have been cut down to produce paper.

In addition to the results, Smart Dubai announced the beginning of the countdown to establish Dubai Government as the world’s first paperless government by fully implementing the Dubai Paperless Strategy across all government entities in the emirate. No Dubai Government entity will issue any internal or external paper documents after 12/12/2021, running completely paperless transactions.

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