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Dubai’s Khurram Shroff leads cryptocurrency transformation as Alt5 Exchange joins CanETH Pool for Genesis Launch of Ethereum 2.0

Image for Dubai’s Khurram Shroff leads cryptocurrency transformation as Alt5 Exchange joins CanETH Pool for Genesis Launch of Ethereum 2.0

CanETH Pool, a Canadian based institutional-grade staking service for holders of Ether, which is backed by Mr. Khurram Shroff, the Dubai based Chairman of the IBC group and a known Bitcoin whale, has announced a partnership for Ethereum Staking with Alt 5 Sigma Inc. a Next Generation Blockchain Financial Platform that enables institutions, corporations and end-users to buy, sell and hold Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Physical Gold and Physical Silver using US dollars, Canadian Dollars and Euros.

As part of this partnership, Alt 5 will give its customers access to the Ethereum 2.0 launch by integrating with the CanETH Staking platform. In turn, CanETH has offered the Genesis block validators exclusively to the Alt 5 Community. This partnership will make it easy for investors in Globally to stake on Ethereum 2.0, for an estimated 22% return per annum.

“The coming together of CanETH Pool and Alt 5 has proved to be a decisive factor in the Ethereum 2.0 Genesis launch reaching, and exceeding, the deposit threshold for the beacon chain to go live”, said Khurram Shroff. “The partnership delivered the perfect combination of ease of investment and dependable infrastructure, for those interested in being part of the Staking process”.

As a proprietary trading and exchange platform Alt 5 Sigma Inc. through its subsidiary Alt 5 Pro LLC offers institutions, corporations, and traders enhanced liquidity and speed when investing, while CanETH Pool has the technical infrastructure to successfully manage the uptime, redundancy and security of the Validators, ensuring that the Staking process is optimized and results in no penalties or slashing, which could put any part of their Staking deposit at risk.

“We believe the technical capability and commitment that CanETH Pool brought to the Staking for Ethereum 2.0 proved to be a turning point within our investor pool”, said André Beauchesne, Chairman of Alt 5 Sigma Inc. “The partnership facilitated the Staking process for the global crypto community” added Mr. Beauchesne

Khurram Shroff played a crucial role in influencing and mobilizing the Ethereum community and enabling the Ethereum beacon chain to go live on schedule. Entering the Staking process when total Stakes stood at only 80,000 Ether, his backing of the Ethereum 2.0 Genesis launch resulted in a ten-fold increase in Stakes, to 800,000 Ether. From a position of real concern that the threshold deposit might not be reached, Khurram Shroff’s leadership was instrumental in the beacon chain exceeding targeted Stakes, ushering in a new era for the blockchain community.

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