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National Association of Freight and Logistics (NAFL) links with top global universities using FIATA’s e-platform

Image for National Association of Freight and Logistics (NAFL) links with top global universities using FIATA’s e-platform

The National Association of Freight and Logistics (NAFL) held an open Forum on FIATA Logistics Academy (FLA) on 15thMay, 2016 at the Le Meridian Airport Hotel, Al Wasl Ballroom to give out distinction certificates to their top trainees who got 95% and above from various freight organizations. Further, the new schedule for the coaching and management courses were announced. This e-learning platform is not limited to logistics courses but has leadership, management, business etiquette and much more.

The Forum highlighted how FIATA Logistics Academy (FLA) has moved towards fulfilling its mission to add value to FIATA members by positioning training, development, and research in freight logistics as a priority FIATA deliverable; It also emphasized how to work towards attracting and assembling best practices, applications and training programs available in academic and vocational training in the supply chain management and international logistics industry and also focusses on management, leadership, international relations, social media etc.

The event was inaugurated by Ms. Nadia Abdul Aziz the president of NAFL along with the Main Keynote Speaker Mr. Issa Baluch, NAFL’s former past President, who is also a Senior Advanced Leadership Fellow at Harvard University and also Chairman of FLA and owning a number of companies like Bectrum Investment, International Reach Services, Global Express Africa and Africa Atlantic Holdings. Mr Baluch has also worked on various government boards with Dubai Civil Aviation during the inception of the Flower Centre, Dubai Logistics City etc.

During the Forum Mr. Baluch spoke on the on-line complimentary courses which have been assembled and contracted by FLA: EDX run by the best universities in the world including Harvard, MIT, Princeton University Alliance with specific focus in one of the world’s most popular Supply Chain and Global Logistics Management course run by Michigan State University as a Master Certificate Course and MITx – another Supply Chain on-line + on campus course. These are considered some of the top global universities in this field.

It also discussed Open Sesame course of corruption and anti-bribery courses and UNITAR – a UN agency for diplomacy training but more important mediation and dispute settlement.

The insightful event discussed scores of other courses and was the perfect platform to exchange knowledge and skills for professionals, graduates and leaders who want to enhance their employee knowledge.

Ms. Nadia Abdul Aziz, Chairperson of NAFL shared her vision saying, "As president of the NAFL, I will continue to advocate programs and activities of the Association to enhance our members knowledge and also I will especially focus on University students as well as UAE nationals to increase the number of professionals in this field. Our rulers have the highest investment on transport, infrastructure and freight projects, job growth is highest and also industry growth is the top until 2021. So why don’t we focus on supporting this by increase our national graduates in this field and opening excellent job opportunities in this great important field to our nation. We will automatically raise standards when we have educated and trained workforce who believe in best work practices and quality services. We will ensure we have happier customers too. We are collaborating with Dubai Customs to train the first batch on FIATA courses, this will give their customer service staff excellent idea of what their clients do daily and help solve problems of the industry more efficiently."

Ms.Nadia further added, "We have also signed with Dubai Trade on their top courses to be offered for our members at special rates to spread the knowledge also across our member companies.

The FLA platform offers courses, job opportunities in other global areas and also exchange internship/training programs in other countries. The opportunities are unlimited, we just want to spread knowledge, opportunities and professionalism in our industry."

The event was graced by a pool of dignitaries such as Mohammed Shael Al Saadi, CEO-Business Development ad Strategy Sector, Department of Economic Department, Mr.Salim Ahmed Khan – Senior Manager- Business Solutions, Dubai Trade, Edris Ahmed Behzad- Director Client Management Department, Dubai Customs, Ibrahim Abu Zayed, Executive Board Member.

Additionally students looking for internships/job opportunities from Reputed Universities such as Sharjah University, American University in Dubai, Manipal University etc. . Airline officials and Shipping lines were also present. Reputed Transporters were also present to network with. NAFL’s reputed suppliers attended the forum there to answer any questions regarding their products /services. The forum was concluded with dinner and networking.

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