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Registration for HM Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in e-government extends to 9th August

Image for Registration for HM Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in e-government extends to 9th August

The Information Technology Authority (ITA) announced that it extended the registration period for the 6th round of HM Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment until the 9th of August as a response to some organizations which requested for extra time to prepare the registration requirements.

Last March, ITA conducted a workshop to unveil the award’s categories for this round, which comprises of 10 categories, 3 of which were newly added. The 2 new categories are for government entities which are Best Open Data Initiative and Best Government Application for Smart Devices. Whereas the third new category is specified for the private sector to the Best Private Application for Smart Devices.

In this round, it has been taken into account that the categories meet the requirements of the current phase of eServices in terms of quality and ability to serve the community in various fields, benefiting from the recommendations received from the international jury committees, which controlled the various rounds of the award. In addition, the award’s categories seek to keep abreast with the global ICT trends, which are overseen by international organizations such as the United Nations and the International Telecommunication Union.

Over the past five rounds, more than 45 projects from the participation of 32 entities have competed and won the award categories. All these projects have contributed to streamlining life and accelerating processes in a number of government and private entities resulting in greater benefit for the community. This is by itself is a remarkable accomplishment government and private entities should be proud of.

Registration in HM Award for Excellence in eGovernment can be through this link

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