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The Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce hosted a conference in Paris about the UAE regulation

Image for The Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce hosted a conference in Paris about the UAE regulation

The Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce hosted the conference "The new regulation and taxation rules in the UAE" at the prestigious Maison des Polytechniciens in the heart of Paris.

The event had as purpose to highlight the new business regulation in the UAE for companies and the impact of VAT that will be implemented in 2018.

The event kicked off with a speech from Neirouz Fahed, Executive Director of the Chamber about the strong potential that the UAE offers to French companies and all the work that has been done by the Chamber to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries.

CEOs from French companies, representatives of French government entities and a representative from the UAE embassy in Paris attended the event.

Two experts from the UAE discussed the topic of the event.

Houssam Nasrawin, CEO of the investment and advisory firm GDC Partners and President of the business club Arab Business Leaders gave an overview of the UAE market and explained the main differences between freezone and LLC companies. He stressed how the UAE regulation protects international investors. He also shared his experience with European companies operating in the UAE market.

Virginie Deutsch, legal consultant at the boutique law firm Al Aidarous gave an analysis of the new VAT and how it will impact companies. She mentioned that the country is facing some changes in terms of regulation, mainly regarding taxation.

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